Monday, November 5, 2012

An Ode to Bob

It all started about a year ago when I was on a homemade pasta kick, all thanks to a particularly delectable pasta making article in Food Network Magazine.  In a desperate search for semolina flour to perfect my pasta making endeavors, I scoured every local grocery store. 

My search was concluded upon my discovery of Bob's Red Mill natural food line. 

Hidden amongst the natural section of my local big name grocery store, I was drawn into the various mixes and natural Bob's Red Mill products that appealed to my inner hipster wanna-be.  Over the past year, I bought more than just semolina flour from good ole' Bob, I began to dabble in pancake mixes and grains. 

Alas, tonight....Bob changed my life. 

Over the weekend, I made an impulse stop at Ocean State Job Lot.  If you've never been to Job Lot (that's what the cool kids call it), think of the sketchiest dollar store you have ever been in, mentally add a few degrees of sketchy, mix it with every random purchase you never knew you needed, and throw in some totally arbitrary food products.  There you have it, Job Lot.

Any who...

among other things (like every other thing known to man), Job Lot has a HUGE selection of Bob's Red Mill products for crazy cheap prices.  This weekend I decided to branch out and grab a bag of Bob's Vegi Soup mix. 

It appealed to my sudden desire to eat healthy, hearty foods and well, it was super cheap.  Tonight, I decided to give this soup mix a whirl.

I was slightly skeptical about how this soup would turn out for a few reasons.  (Have I mentioned that I love making lists??)

  1. I'm generally wary of any kind of store bought soup/soup mix, homemade is always way better.
  2. There's a ton of healthy junk in there and that generally means flavorless, in my experience.
  3. There is absolutely no seasoning in the mix, just healthy stuff.
  4. I purchased it at the wonderfully sketchy Ocean State Job Lot, it may taste like rubber garden gloves and marbles.
The directions on the back of this bad boy said to simmer 4 cups of water and 1 cup of Vegi soup mix for an hour and add whatever spices tickle your fancy.  I opted to simmer the mix in 4 cups of chicken broth for some extra hearty-ness.  I tossed in some Italian spices and then swirled in a few good squirts of tomato paste.  

About 20 minutes in, I started to get really excited.  The smell was amazing!

About 40 minutes in, my dear hubby (who told me he was not hungry for dinner tonight) pulled a Toucan Sam and followed his nose to the stove.  I should hubby dislikes soup for the most part (I know, he's un-American).  Based on smell and sight alone, he asked for a (small) bowl of the soup when it was done.  I warned him that it was full of healthy stuff and was really good for him.  He still insisted.

At the 1 hour mark, the soup looked thick and chunky and all sorts of amazing so into bowls it went.  I grated some fancy, stinky Parmesan cheese on top and it looked a little like this...

This is the point at which my life changed.

This stuff was so good, even my un-American, soup-hating husband loved it and went back for seconds.  He didn't believe that it was super healthy as per my warning.  I had to show him the nutritional facts...he still continued to eat it. 

Total success.

Way to go Bob's Red Mill.  I will be purchasing more of your delicious mixes at my local sketchy store.  I highly advise everyone to follow suit.

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